Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What I learned at AdSchool...

Last year, in school, an Art Direction instructor reminded us of something that I feel has lasting significance in the creative industry and life in general. He said, "If you take anything away with you from this class, it's this: Don't forget to be generous."
It is one of those things that stuck in my head because it holds so much truth. The thing about generosity is that it goes beyond kindess. Generosity is like kindness + selflessness. Both can be powerful and can make life easier for everyone.
It's not about giving money or things; often it is so much more practicle. If someone has a good idea and you use it, giving them the credit for that is being generous. When someone does some really good work, telling them you admire their work and thing they did a great job is a simple but lost form of generosity. Trying to make time for people, instead of rushing around like you are the busiest person on Earth, being friendly, saying hi, smiling, being honest, caring for the enviroment: Generosity.


Anonymous said...

Here. Here.

Bukes said...

We should all be generous with the new class.